Student Contest FAQs
Student Contest FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to submit poems to the contest?
Currently enrolled Highline students (meaning students enrolled anytime during the 2023/24 academic year)
What do I get if I win?
First prize: $200.
Second prize: $150.
Third prize: $100.
Seven Honorable Mention Prizes: $75 each.
When is the deadline for the 2025 Student Poetry Contest?
The deadline is Monday, February 24, 2025 (4 PM)
How many poems can I submit?
Each person can submit a maximum of three poems
How long can my poem be?
Max poem length: 20 lines plus a title.
How do I submit?
Please submit your work here: [insert link]
Poems must be uploaded in a document file.
Note: To access the submission form above, you need to be logged into your student Google account. To log in, visit and click the “Sign in” button (top right of page). Use your myHighline email address and password to log in.
If you have questions, contact
What should I include with my submission?
Please include your phone number and email address with your poem submissions.
What happens to my submissions after I submit?
By submitting your poetry, you are agreeing to have it put on display and used during National Poetry Month. All winning poems may be placed on display. In addition, the first prize winner may be asked to do a media interview and to create a recording of their poem.